ICFO is offering a research engineer position to a well-qualified, highly motivated and dynamic young scientist who wishes to enhance his/her scientific career in a friendly and stimulating environment.
The Optoelectronics group led by Prof. Dr. Valerio Pruneri is searching for a technical manager to coordinate the deployment of a quantum communication and cryptography ring in the Barcelona metropolitan area. The group has been coordinating or participating in several projects in these areas of research, including European CIVIQ, QRANGE, QUANTAGENOMICS, QUANGO, OPENQKD, and more recently the quantum Flagship FPA QSNP. In this context, a major objective is to deploy the technologies in the field for end-user demonstration. The candidate should combine both technical and managerial skills and help execute the `plan within the recently awarded “SmartCAT” Regional project, “Planes Complementarios en Comunicaciones Cuánticas” National project and “EuroQCI-Spain” European project.
“Financed by the European Union-NextGenerationEU-MICIIN(PRTR-C17. I1) and by the Generalitat de Catalunya”
Apply here: https://jobs.icfo.eu/?detail=722
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