Post-doctoral position in atomic vapor quantum sensors

Full Time
Employment Information

ICFO is offering a postdoctoral position to a well-qualified, highly motivated and dynamic young scientist who wishes to enhance his/her scientific career in a friendly and stimulating environment.

The successful candidate will be joining the Atomic Quantum Optics group led by Prof. Dr. Morgan Mitchell.

The group has several active research topics focused on hot-vapor quantum sensors, including miniaturization of optically-pumped magnetometers for magnetoencephalography (MEG) and magnetocardiography, zero- and ultra-low-field nuclear magnetic resonance, and radio-frequency field detection using magnetometers. We work with a variety of international partners, including industrial leaders in biomagnetic instrumentation, in vapor cell miniaturization, and in laser development for atomic sensors. We also have a strong track record of exploring quantum effects such as entanglement and squeezing in atomic vapors.

The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to experimental progress in at least one of the above research areas.

The candidates will work on projects aimed at building the next generation of quantum cryptography, entanglement distribution systems, quantum imaging and processing. The hosting group has developed technology for continuous variable quantum key distribution and quantum random number generation, now being commercialized by two ICFO’s spin-offs, Luxquanta and Quside, respectively. The next step is to develop entanglement and decoy state based systems for secure communication and quantum connections for both ground and space segments, and quantum processing and imaging devices. The group is currently involved in several European projects.

Funded by the European Union.

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